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-------- Original Message Text --------
even though all servers must support the spec to be
j2ee compliant, an app server vendor may add a range
of additional services or enterprise capabilities to
differentiate themselves.  for example, i work for a
company called gemstone, which produces an app server
for java (we also make one for smalltalk) that we're
aiming to be certified j2ee compliant by sun by march
15.  in addition to supporting the j2ee 1.2 spec, our
server also contains an object repository (useful for
caching or as a db of record -- imagine no o/r mapping
for ejbs), a corba orb and its own version of the jvm.
 we license sun's jvm sourcecode, and our server has
the capability to distribute workload among multiple
activated vm's.  as the load increases, more jvms are
started up to handle it (either on the same machine,
or another).  a single vm can only handle 100-200
concurrent connections before it is tapped out.  plus
there is a broad suite of swing-based and cmd-line
utilities, monitors, etc. for our server. (one thing
we don't include is a webserver -- you must connect it
to apache or iplanet.)

i don't know how much disk space the installation
images require, but i imagine quite a lot as the
source code alone takes up about 250mb.  there is
included also a lot of instrumentation inside that can
be turned on or off, enabling fine-grained debugging
when things go wrong.

that perhaps explains the range of image sizes.  even
though it only takes 10-20 mb of code to implement the
spec, other servers may add features in an attempt to
differentiate themselves.

bradley mclain

--- Kemp Randy-W18971 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is a mystery I need help with.  If all JSP
> engines and EJB servers are approximately equal,
> then what explains the size differences in the
> following examples?
> Latest production Orion - 10 MG
> Latest production Resin - 12.8 MG
> Latest productions Jboss/Tomcat - 23.3 Mg
> Latest production Unify Ewave Engine - 18.1 MG
> Latest production Iplanet 6.1 - Approximately 1 Gig
> Latest Productions Oracle 9I AS - Approximately 1
> Gig
>   In a past commercial for Motel 6, they talk about
> not having any perfumed bubble bath beads, like the
> higher priced hotels.  So I ask these questions. 
> What could possible take up 1 gig, when all JSP
> engines and EJB servers are supposed to have similar
> or identical functionality?  Out of curiosity, how
> much space does Weblogic take up? Where are the
> perfumed bubble bath beads in the 1 gig space? 

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