Hi list,

I am having some difficulty with Struts, maybe someone can help.

I have read posting about Struts not being able right away to work with
Orion, I did the modification in ActionServlet that were posted in a
previous email and it seemed to work a little better (see

Now I have different errors about Struts finding my action and .properties

I did put my Action classes and ResourceBundles.properties  in the
WEB-INF\classes, but I would then get a 500 error Class not found error from
struts (I suppose it's tied to the fact that they are loaded dynamically by
I can make it work if I put them under \orion\lib.  But this certainly isn't
a good solution.  Am I the only one having this problem?
If some of you are successfully running struts 1.0 on Orion 1.4.7 with
JDK1.3 could you share your experience and configuration settings


Christian Billen

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