All right.  Following up my previous post, I've managed to get everything
working by (1) creating a copy of orion-ejb-app.jar, which I (2) tweak to my
specifications (such as specifying the table name, although I still think
Orion ought to be smart enough to swap out keywords in the database schema
for table names as well as fields) and (3) copy over the auto-generated one
before restarting the server.  This fits in well with the deploy script I
wrote, which blows away any tables created in the database, thus ensuring a
fresh deployment every time.
   Newest configuration headache.  Security.  I've got some administration
methods on my classes which I'd like to only be able to be called from
administrative sessions.  I defined the following in my ejb-jar.xml:


which, as the only security declaration, I believe should allow anyone
mapped to the "everyone" to execute the findByPrimaryKey method, but not the
create method.  I then added the following to the orion-ejb-jar.xml file:

                        <security-role-mapping name="everyone">
                                <group name="users" />

which ought to map anyone in the users group to the everyone role.  However,
running a test program reveals that anyone logged in using my test account
(defined in principles.xml as a member of "guests" and "users") can execute
any method on the User interface without a security exception.
   Any thoughts?

-- Chris

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