On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 05:04:48PM -0600, Jay Armstrong wrote:
> Fair enough, Mike, but my bottom line was: Why not ... address that issue
> (having MySQL and Orion folks talk to each other) directly?


> Randy had a good thought -- the Thought Police should quit stomping on it.
> The issue is simply whether or not MySQL and Orion should talk. :)

No, because neither one is Bavarian.

Actually... still no, because there's no REASON for them to. If you have
such a desire, you can use MySQL with Orion. (Why such a desire exists is up
to you, I suppose.) If you're talking about distributing MySQL *with* Orion,
which was the original thrust, then NO, a thousand times NO, and let's add a
few more to that for a total of 1004 NOs. Why? HSQL works because it's an
integrated solution, for an all-Java distribution of Orion that happens to
include a servicable database (for very poor values of "servicable"). MySQL,
unless it's undergone a sea change to be all Java (that nobody else in the
world knows about) can't do the same, so you would have the Windows Orion
distribution, the Linux Orion distribution, the Solaris Orion distribution
(obviously the best of them all!), etc. etc. ad nauseum. I can tell you that
the Orion team wouldn't smile upon having all those builds, and neither
would I - such a thing violates the whole idea behind Java.

Let's keep our heads about us for once, and drop this silly "Let's bind a
binary database into Orion" nonsense. Interbase - fine, if we can manage to
integrate it into the same VM (and it can be done, but I'd want it
transparently done). But something like Postgres or MySQL? No.
Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant

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