
You're probabaly right, but why do others have to speak for them.  They're
big boys -- and business-savy enough to come down from geek heaven and
actually charge money for production.  I'll bet they can even decide for
themselves whether or not to speak with MySQL.  If they've gotten 1,000
Orion customers to belly-up $1,500 each, then a mill-and-a-half should
cover the phone call to MySQL.

Speaking of money, I've gotta go try to make some right now.

Randy, I, for one, liked your idea.  The sky is not falling, but this dead
horse is now thoroughly beaten (how's that for a mixed metaphore?).


At 12:46 PM 4/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Issue seems to be:
>MySQL is in Sweden.  Orion Is in Sweden.  They should talk.
>Fortunately, for the users of Orion they are just 2 guys, who wanna code
>(translation:  they are in java guy heaven!) and have no interest in the
>complexities and distractions inherent in 'Big International Business^TM'
>(Trademark, Microsoft and the World Intellectual Property Organization, all
>'Chap' and Magnus are geeks.  They are in Java geek heaven.  THIS IS A GOOD
>THING!  We should not be distracting them with anything other than their
>continuing to code the best damn Java appserver there is!  Anything else is
>a waste of time.
>The point is moot, however.  It is obvious they are focussed on what matters
>to them and what should matter to us.  If MySQL wants to go by their offices
>and stop in when they have a break and buy 'em a beer (or cocoa, or
>whatever) for about 20 minutes and yakk...let 'em...if u want to fly to
>Sweden and facilitate this, Jay, knock yourself out.
>Magnus and Karl are two guys focussed on their code.  Again, THIS IS A VERY
>GOOD THING.  Distractions are BAAAD...thery're bad!...and I don't think that
>we will (or can) distract them.  I like that.  Marketing is for marketers.
>Two guys don't need a manager.  Especially two guys that are as obviously
>skilled and laser-focussed on their goals as these two.
>See, Joe and Mike?  I'm cured!!!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay Armstrong
>> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 10:17 AM
>> To: Orion-Interest
>> Subject: Re: A Swedish Idea
>> The groomsmen at my wedding were named Schotanus, Schloss and Schnakenberg
>> -- no kidding -- if they all lived in the same city, they'd be on the same
>> page in the phonebook.  So, bring on the Germanic hordes!
>> Now try to stay focused: Randy's idea was whether or not MySQL and Orion
>> should talk about "ways to mutually promote or bridge the two products".
>> Just talk.  No earth-shaking changes.
>> Yes, HSQL is in the Orion Server download, but, no one said anything about
>> binding MySQL to Orion.
>> Put down your crack pipe for a minute and open your EJB 101 book: EJB
>> containers don't care what data storage mechanism is being used!
>> Even though Orion and HSQL run differently on different OS's and JVM's,
>> neither did anyone advocate different versions of Orion for
>> different OS's.
>>  If a dialog between Orion and HSQL can make life easier for the MySQL
>> lovers, then what's the harm?
>> Joe, you've probably been banned from the www.mysql.com site forever
>> anyway, so give it up! :)
>> Jay
>> At 08:04 AM 4/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>> >On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 05:04:48PM -0600, Jay Armstrong wrote:
>> >> Fair enough, Mike, but my bottom line was: Why not ... address
>> that issue
>> >> (having MySQL and Orion folks talk to each other) directly?
>> >
>> >Why?
>> >
>> >> Randy had a good thought -- the Thought Police should quit
>> stomping on it.
>> >>
>> >> The issue is simply whether or not MySQL and Orion should talk. :)
>> >
>> >No, because neither one is Bavarian.
>> >
>> >Actually... still no, because there's no REASON for them to. If you have
>> >such a desire, you can use MySQL with Orion. (Why such a desire
>> exists is up
>> >to you, I suppose.) If you're talking about distributing MySQL
>> *with* Orion,
>> >which was the original thrust, then NO, a thousand times NO, and
>> let's add a
>> >few more to that for a total of 1004 NOs. Why? HSQL works because it's an
>> >integrated solution, for an all-Java distribution of Orion that
>> happens to
>> >include a servicable database (for very poor values of
>> "servicable"). MySQL,
>> >unless it's undergone a sea change to be all Java (that nobody
>> else in the
>> >world knows about) can't do the same, so you would have the Windows Orion
>> >distribution, the Linux Orion distribution, the Solaris Orion
>> distribution
>> >(obviously the best of them all!), etc. etc. ad nauseum. I can
>> tell you that
>> >the Orion team wouldn't smile upon having all those builds, and neither
>> >would I - such a thing violates the whole idea behind Java.
>> >
>> >Let's keep our heads about us for once, and drop this silly "Let's bind a
>> >binary database into Orion" nonsense. Interbase - fine, if we
>> can manage to
>> >integrate it into the same VM (and it can be done, but I'd want it
>> >transparently done). But something like Postgres or MySQL? No.
>> >--
>> >-----------------------------------------------------------
>> >Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant
>> >
>> >

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