Factoring code into the jsppage superclass is a bad idea. You will regret
this later.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 5:53 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: bugs in <@page extends="...."> in Orion implementation?
> It looks like your page should extend servlet and not jsppage.
> Just change JSPBase to extend servlet (and make the required changes).
> I haven't read the spec, but I imagine that extending 
> OrionHttpJspPage is proprietary, and would not be part of the spec.
> Scott
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/23/01 05:42am >>>
> I create a class called JSPBase class which extends OrionHttpJspPage,
> and I put the <@ page extends="packagename.JSPBase"> in my JSP file.
> however, orion give the following error:
>      Superclass of the JSP page does not implement Servlet, invalid
> extends attribute.
> Does orion implement <@page extends> correctly?
> Any clarification?
> -Jiuyun
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