In JSP 1.1 spec it says,

If the JSP page author uses extends, the generated class is identical
to the one shown in
CODE EXAMPLE 3-2, except that the class name is the one specified in
the extends attribute.
The contract on the JSP page implementation class does not change. The
JSP container
should check (usually through reflection) that the provided superclass:
· Implements HttpJspPage if the protocol is HTTP, or JspPage otherwise.
· All of the methods in the Servlet interface are declared final.
Additionally, it is the responsibility of the JSP page author that the
provided superclass
· The service() method of the Servlet API invokes the _jspService()
· The init(ServletConfig) method stores the configuration, makes it
available as
getServletConfig, then invokes jspInit.
· The destroy method invokes jspDestroy.
A JSP container may give a fatal translation error if it detects that
the provided superclass
does not satisfy these requirements, but most JSP containers will not
check them.

It seems orion JSP container does not implement in this way, any
insider or expert opinion?

--- Jiuyun Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I create a class called JSPBase class which extends OrionHttpJspPage,
> and I put the <@ page extends="packagename.JSPBase"> in my JSP file.
> however, orion give the following error:
>      Superclass of the JSP page does not implement Servlet, invalid
> extends attribute.
> Does orion implement <@page extends> correctly?
> Any clarification?
> -Jiuyun
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====Jiuyun Wang       M.Sc. of Computer Sciences
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
IBM Certified Solution & Enterprise Developer
Phone: 919-696-0419(cel)

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