On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 06:34:49PM +0100, Koster, K.J. wrote:
> I deployed the counter.jar (yes it's in the ear, it even autocreates the
> table it needs, but never uses). I have included the relevant bits into
> web.xml (from $ORION/applications/myapp/webthingy/WEB-INF/web.xml):
>   <ejb-ref>
>     <ejb-ref-name>ejb/Counter</ejb-ref-name>
>     <ejb-ref-type>Entity</ejb-ref-type>
>     <home>com.evermind.ejb.CounterHome</home>
>     <remote>com.evermind.ejb.Counter</remote>
>   </ejb-ref>
> Yet when I use that thing inside the ejbCreate of another bean I get a
> NameNotFound Exception. Replacing the Counterutils.getnextid() with (new
> Date()).getTime() works without generating the errors.

You will probably want to move the ejb-ref from web.xml to ejb-jar.xml
(into the entity/session element for the bean in whose ejbCreate method
you try to lookup CounterHome).

> How can I view the contents of the JNDI directory that Orion has? It would
> be sooo helpful in debugging.

java -jar orionconsole.jar might be to some help, otherwise there are
methods in javax.naming.Context to discover bound objects, for example:

NamingEnumeration list(String name)



Markus Holmberg         |       Give me Unix or give me a typewriter.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |       http://www.freebsd.org/

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