On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 03:15:07PM +0100, Koster, K.J. wrote:
> Ah, a fellow FreeBSD user. :-) Just curious, what are your experiences with
> Orion on FreeBSD? What JDK do you use?

Yes :). My experiences (out of developing J2EE applications on
FreeBSD + Orion, for quite some time now) are that FreeBSD is a
satisfactory platform for running Orion.

I mainly use linux-sun-jdk-1.3.0 (classic vm), but have also used
freebsd-sun-jdk-1.2.2 (beta) and linux-sun-jdk-1.2.2, without any
trouble. Used Tya for JIT on freebsd-sun-jdk-1.2.2.



Markus Holmberg         |       Give me Unix or give me a typewriter.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |       http://www.freebsd.org/

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