Dear All,

> > 
> > Yet when I use that thing inside the ejbCreate of another 
> bean I get a
> > NameNotFound Exception. Replacing the 
> Counterutils.getnextid() with (new
> > Date()).getTime() works without generating the errors.
> You will probably want to move the ejb-ref from web.xml to ejb-jar.xml
> (into the entity/session element for the bean in whose 
> ejbCreate method you try to lookup CounterHome).
Hmm? Ok, it makes sense. I'll try that.

> Markus Holmberg         |       Give me Unix or give me a typewriter.
Ah, a fellow FreeBSD user. :-) Just curious, what are your experiences with
Orion on FreeBSD? What JDK do you use?

    Kees Jan

 You are only young once,
       but you can stay immature all your life.

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