see below...


the elephantwalker

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Florian Werner
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 9:53 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Some questions on Orion


I'm currently evaluating Orion for internal use and a customer.
Does Orion support/include:

RMI over JRMP   ?
any OODBMS ?
any ORMapping Tools ?
Realm-Integration  like LDAP, RDBMS ?

> j2ee support for rmi uses the over the wire protocol ormi.
> AFAIK, If you can create a schema for the databank (should be easily done
with OODBMS) this should work.
> Like most j2ee vendors, Orion has its own OR mapping tool
> EJBUserManager and DataSourceUserManager can be used directly with a
>  and a new custom usermanager can easily use an LDAP server. There is also
a rolemanager api.

Are the any IDEs supporting Orion (beside Kawa from Macromedia) ?

> We use Sun's Forte debugging with Orion all of the time.

Is ORACLE going to by Orion ?

> Oracle has already licensed Orion as oc4j. So you can pay Oracle $30 k for
Orion, or pay Ironflare $1.5 k ;). oc4j is exactly the same as Orion.

   Florian Werner

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