I can answer a phew.

Orion works with any JDBC  driver. OODBMS most likely use a JDBC driver. If
they don't..I imagine any use of OODBMS requires proprietary coding..which I
can't imagine in the world of Java standards would be accepted too
well..especially since OODBMS are not widely adopted at this point.

I believe Orion has a simple O/R tool with it, but most O/R tools shouldn't
have any problems deploying to any J2EE compliant app server. There might be
some special tweaking required. Personally, I use ANT to do all my builds
and deploys..which has nothing to dow ith O/R, but some tools may usually
"touch" a file after deploying O/R created beans to auto-reload the beans in
the app server. They may be specific to a couple of big-name app servers.

Oracle licensed Orions code..I doubt they will be buying it. I believe Orion
will continue selling its product as is for the same $1500 per server and
continue making it better, support J2EE 1.3 and so on. I am sure you'll
start seeing more tools (like O/R) that work with Orion since Oracle is a
big name and licensed their code. If you download the OC4J components of
Oracle, its almost 100% Orion. The only thing I noticed is that a few .jar
files are different (did a compare on the 1.5.2 branch of Orion with the
OC4J branch). Orion.jar is the main difference with the OC4J being 380K or
so while the Orion is 200K or so. Not sure why the Oracle is so much
larger..I do know that it has its Oracle 9i name in it instead of Orion

I will get my try at LDAP soon and I recall seeing some posts here on LDAP,
so I would imagine it works with LDAP..of what company I have no idea.

Orion is extremly easy to set up, VERY fast (infact..I think Oracle is
touting 2 to 3 times faster than anyone else including Bea, IBM,
iPlanet...it will be nice to see some performance tests on static pages,
dynamic pages, ejb access, clustering, etc).

Orion is very easy to cluster..although I am not sure how good it is yet. I
know the concept of using islands is a good one. Thus far I am not aware if
any hardware load balancers have any issues with Orion "islands", making
sure the right session goes to the right island and properly load balances
between islands. When setting up a cluster, I would want a load balancer
that can handle proper load balancing between ALL islands, and then proper
load balancing between each server in an island, all while maintaining the
right session ids going to the right island. In this way, you can set up one
(or more) islands each only needing two servers. If one server fails, the
other one continues, you are alerted and you replace/fix the server. If you
need high up-time, you keep two islands going, each with two servers. Should
you get a lot of hits, you add one (or more) extra islands of servers. From
what I tried (only a single island of two servers) it took mere minutes to
configure Orion. I have not tried it with hardware load balancers though.

Also, on a side note..I recommend hardware ssl devices in front of the
server farm. First, they cost about $5K or so, and they can allow you to
handle 1000's of SSL transactions per second by decoding/encoding the SSL in
hardware. Even nicer, you never have to worry about setting up Orion (or any
web/app server) with any SSL stuff, therefore you never need to worry about
special SSL sessions, loss of session when going form SSL to normal or vice
versa, etc. Not that Orion has this problem..I don't know. But I have seen
some of these problems posted here in the past year or so.

Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Florian Werner
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 6:51 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Some questions on Orion


I'm currently evaluating Orion for internal use and a customer.
Does Orion support/include:

RMI over JRMP   ?
any OODBMS ?
any ORMapping Tools ?
Realm-Integration  like LDAP, RDBMS ?

Are the any IDEs supporting Orion (beside Kawa from Macromedia) ?

Is ORACLE going to by Orion ?

   Florian Werner

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