>> I know that Oracle 9iAS is evolving and expanding, and I believe that
>> IronFlare is doing a significant amount of work on the 9iAS code base (as
>> consultants?).  But whats to become of Orion?  It almost appears that Oracel
>> has consumed Orion completely and no development will happen on the old
>> Orion.
> looks like someone finally figured it out!
> this is what happens when you get one big "customer" with a guaranteed
> revenue stream, can't much blame them myself.
Yes indeed, what a genius. Such inspired thinking, such stellar insight into
the inner workings of ironflare. I'm sure they're all very glad of such keen
observations from appreciative and helpful users, and are suitably motivated
towards being more open and forthcoming of their plans and releases given
such intelligent comments.

I'm just glad someone finally figured it out and told us!


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