On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 12:41:22PM -0700, Aaron Tavistock wrote:
> Whats the current state of Ironflare and Orion?  

I asked Ironflare about support for EJB-QL a week or so ago, and got a
reply from Magnus saying:

EJB QL will be available shortly, exact when is hard to say, as it is
about to go into testing the coming week.
So the best we can tell you right now is "soon".

Seems like they're still plugging away at getting Orion up to the
latest J2EE spec. As an aside, I'd imagine that any bug fixes that are
made to OC4J will be fed back into the main Orion tree --- it only
makes sense.


Simon, last of the innocents.

I had just received my degree in Calcium Anthropology... The study of
 - Steven Wright

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