1 kopi tiam session is all... ok, ok... i might as well blurt it out here.  Apache License - Use at own risk.

The story goes like this:
Just now 2.30pm session touches on semantic web 3.0 knowledge management layer that Mimos has 'researched' and now make available for locals to receive as techno receipients. Before that there were many cliche type questions from the floor such as,
"What is the patent or IP arrangement with Mimos if we are to capitalise on it?"
"When is it ready?"
"Where can i download it?"
"Who else are using it?"
"How ready is it?"
"How much do we pay Mimos?"
"What IP can i keep if its with Mimos?"
"Where can i find out more online?"
You catch my blue aura by now.

So at exactly 3.10pm i cannot tahan anymore and have to raise my right hand with my left hand clutching my gift bag and pc notebook in case i have to make a reverse gate crash (exit) within 10 secs.

I asked that infamous question. The speaker responded that its patent locked to realise the monetary value for the receipients first before opening it up. Then one official from the front row went up to the rostum to continue because he knows me and was afraid that i won't be satisfied with the answer. He added some more points but i was already timing my runway clearance distance. He ended with, "Does that answer your question?"
I blurted back, "Doesn't matter", and stood down. I felt that was not the right forum and this OSDC is a more appropriate forum. I like to ask you guys here:

1) Does making your hard sweat and tears open source deprived you of patenting, copyright and intellectual property thereof?

2) De, de, does making your own added-on sourcecodes (fraction only mind you as you'll bound to exploit upon the shoulders of giants FOSS out there in those techno sectors) open and free reduce your capability to commercialise or monetise any of it?

3) An, an, and do you stand a chance in a disruptive marketplace when pharmaceuticals are forgoing patents, Microsoft forgoing MS Office next year in haste as Google is eating up its space for breakfast, and Oracle is figuring out if its fate is next?

Tots to ponder.

red1 wrote:
LOL. I like the way you put it. Love to hear the continuation.

That is not open source. Have to pay lah.

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