the Cory Doctrow article on Semantic Web is better and more intersting reading.

"Metacrap: Putting the torch to seven straw-men of the meta-utopia"

Semantic web is a big project. And MIMOS going it 'on their own'
(propritry vs open source) is doomed to irrelevance. I'm gonna be
cynical here, but what has MIMOS achieved since its creation? It was
set up (in late 80's) to do micro-electronics research, as Msia was
then becoming a leader for the packaging of IC's as companies like
Mototrola, Intel, AMD, TI, Harris setup shop here.

Back in the late 80's/90's when I was doing contract work for a major
semicon company, I asked their senior engineers what they thought of
MIMOS, ".. bunch of jokers" was what I got. Since then, Taiwan and
Korea has their own wafer foundries (yeah we have one in Sarawak, that
does'nt count... but that's another story). But we were ahead of them

To their credit, they introduced internet to M'sia, Jaring, but what
else? I do remember they announcing doing research on 8-bit processors
at a time when the rest of the world has moved onto 16, 32 bit. Then
there's a few other things they tried to do, but.... what happened to
Digicert, its a MIMOS Verisign look alike, spin-off, what's its

Throw in the multi-lingual environ we have in Msia, how do you link
mata-data then?

Thats why we need the power of the 'commons'...

So MIMOS can pull off Semantic Web & 3.0 on its own? I doubt it.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:19 PM, sweemeng ng<> wrote:
> The idea of semantic web is to give meaning to data, instead of giving
> structure on how it looks, or links to other data. We not just talking about
> looks, but meanings and relationship
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:16 PM, syamsul anuar <> wrote:
>> Wow my Ex-Uni siot.. UMS cayalah.. tak paham apa tu semantic.
>> Like red1 said "proprietary software baru merangkak masuk Web 2.0, U want
>> to give them web 3.0?"
>> -wariola-
>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:03 PM, red1 <> wrote:
>>> googled for it... some news here
>> --
>> .: war|ola :.
>> Use Fedora Linux for better computing experience
> >


Boh Heong, Yap

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