the wikipedia article on semantic web is overated

the w3c semantic web is palatable

psst.... you want ahh.... ? i can give you one. banyak bagus. europe dan
america punya. original punya. tak perlu ap. free some more !

i wonder what is the business case for mimos semantic web platform when you
have a massively popular open source data framework like drupal ?

bukan nak kata mimos tak bagus. tapi how to compete when any tom, dick and
harry can set up their own drupal site to run semantic web rdf services in
15 minutes ? tak baca ke buku the world is flat or wisdom of the crowd ?
must be too busy copy-and-paste from wikipedia and google.

how are they going to compete against specialist indie (like krimnet) that
can provide trendlines, associations, relationships, faceted search and
multilingual ontologies running drupal using only 3 recycled pcs stuck under
a corner table ? with a community of thousands. sometime in the future with
molap and cubeless dimensions - so that you can slice and dice the data.

what it means is that someday, instead of sending you a vcard of myself. i
can send you a molap cube of my profile that you can etl to consume and
validate in terms of academic, expertise, physical appearance, salary and
make comparison to the profile of other people based on selected dimensions
/ elements / rules / attributes. you can even extend the data via
association to my fellow college mates, family members, etc

how does one compete against freedom ?

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:19 PM, sweemeng ng <> wrote:

> The idea of semantic web is to give meaning to data, instead of giving
> structure on how it looks, or links to other data. We not just talking about
> looks, but meanings and relationship
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:16 PM, syamsul anuar <> wrote:
>> Wow my Ex-Uni siot.. UMS cayalah.. tak paham apa tu semantic.
>> Like red1 said "proprietary software baru merangkak masuk Web 2.0, U want
>> to give them web 3.0?"
>> -wariola-
>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:03 PM, red1 <> wrote:
>>> googled for it... some news here
>> --
>> .: war|ola :.
>> Use Fedora Linux for better computing experience
> >

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