It's from Rambo IV. I love the quote.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

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On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:07 PM, lutfi raffi <> wrote:

> Hoho.. I'm really really sorry red1.. terkena shotgun..... aduh....
> InsyaAllah akan diusahakan sebaik-baiknya selepas ini....
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:44 AM, red1 <> wrote:
>> Seriously, i do not think that FOSS is viable as a busines. Not yet.
>> There is more to be done at the educational and spiritual level. Many
>> people still do not believe in it. Many ppl still abuse it. They want
>> free lunch not freedom.
>> So i think the funding for FOSS cannot be along those lines of asking
>> for proof of business viability. It should ask for passion and activism
>> that is proven. Many of us are willing to go and sing the FOSS song, but
>> as freelancers on kuda kepang, i m not sure they can do so for long. At
>> least i am already unable to answer beyond, MyGoScon, UTP, which
>> all do not pay for my time. The vendors can send their speakers cos they
>> are paid.
>> Is there a fund to support evangelism work? That is not paid by
>> propreitary vendors? If not, the community should figure out a singular
>> mechanism to arm themselves before stepping one foot out again into the
>> battlefield. No use going out, getting shot and then cry for your mummies.
>> Live for nothing,
>> or Die for Something.
>> from Rambo IV (or III?)
> >

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