
let me have a go at the icon grant application - i promised rafe to submit
esok for two projects

i will update you tomorrow at oscc

anyone else yg ada experience in this icon grant - saya dengar ada org
melaka dah dapat dah ;-)

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:58 PM, red1 <> wrote:

>  Ana mau tanam semangat bahawa apa perjuangan ini sebenarnya. Jika mau cari
> makan, kahwin awal, dan beli kereta, lupakan perjuangan (yg tidak sia-sia)
> ini. Memang ini perjuangan murni, tetapi jangan sampai ada tentera kita yang
> tengah di medan perang boleh merungut, "laparrrnyaaa'. Sungguh sedih apabila
> hambo dengar rungutan sedemikian.
> Seperti kisah2 hidup saya tulis dalam 
> tahun lepas. Ia perjuangan jauh dan lama. Saya pilih jalan ini kerana
> tidak dapat elak dari kebenaran dan pengakuan tentang kebenaran.
> Begitu juga sabil FOSS ini. Bukan minta untuk menjadi pejuang tetapi
> terjerumus di dalamnya. Mahu keluar sudah macam lambat. Macam Rambo sudah
> landing kat tengah sawah padi berkumpuh di Myanmar mau pula fikirkan
> selamat?
> Innovation and creativity means we must be willing to learn from mistakes
> and change according to the circumstance. The way we Malaysians do things
> not all are right. Some of it must be mistakes. Then tell me how come asyik
> Stanford produce dotcom billionaires and we not a single one? Or secebis of
> anyone?
> Look at Japan. When Emperor Meiji was visited by Comodore Perry with huge
> warships in the 1850s, the japanese came out with the 100 year plan, to send
> NOT scholars but translators to learn foreign languages and then bring the
> manuals back to Japan to translate for their masses. They achieved a
> startling armada that can defeat a superpower the first time ever in modern
> times.
> If Japanese can think like that in 1850s, is it so difficult for us to
> change our thinking in 2010s?
> Like i said Lutfi at UTM, it is up to the VC there. Samada nak atau tidak.
> If he nak ke Harvard, then he goes to Harvard, but what can Harvard teach
> you? UTM to be no.1 like Harvard? Think again.
> If he wants to come home and believe in our shorty little asians, then i
> believe he can do it. I will be willing to serve him. Many of us will.
> So just give me one blady university that truly needs our help. That has
> ownership from the top. That the VC says, "Yes! Lets do it and beat the crap
> out of the west!" but no, instead they still agung-agungkan the west. Like i
> said, such are acts of treason and ought to be shot by our malaysian Rambo.
> lutfi raffi wrote:
> Hoho.. I'm really really sorry red1.. terkena shotgun..... aduh....
> InsyaAllah akan diusahakan sebaik-baiknya selepas ini....
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:44 AM, red1 <> wrote:
>> Seriously, i do not think that FOSS is viable as a busines. Not yet.
>> There is more to be done at the educational and spiritual level. Many
>> people still do not believe in it. Many ppl still abuse it. They want
>> free lunch not freedom.
>> So i think the funding for FOSS cannot be along those lines of asking
>> for proof of business viability. It should ask for passion and activism
>> that is proven. Many of us are willing to go and sing the FOSS song, but
>> as freelancers on kuda kepang, i m not sure they can do so for long. At
>> least i am already unable to answer beyond, MyGoScon, UTP, which
>> all do not pay for my time. The vendors can send their speakers cos they
>> are paid.
>> Is there a fund to support evangelism work? That is not paid by
>> propreitary vendors? If not, the community should figure out a singular
>> mechanism to arm themselves before stepping one foot out again into the
>> battlefield. No use going out, getting shot and then cry for your mummies.
>> Live for nothing,
>> or Die for Something.
> >

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