for me it's hard to tell..
some of Malaysia company or people don't really understand what we are

senang nak bagi contoh, kawan saya pernah cakap,
"dah free, buat apa nak mintak duit lagi?"

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar <>wrote:

> It's from Rambo IV. I love the quote.
> Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
> -------------------------------
> Ubuntu embedded developer/tester
> Get FireGPG for your Firefox!
> PGP Public Key
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:07 PM, lutfi raffi <> wrote:
>> Hoho.. I'm really really sorry red1.. terkena shotgun..... aduh....
>> InsyaAllah akan diusahakan sebaik-baiknya selepas ini....
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:44 AM, red1 <> wrote:
>>> Seriously, i do not think that FOSS is viable as a busines. Not yet.
>>> There is more to be done at the educational and spiritual level. Many
>>> people still do not believe in it. Many ppl still abuse it. They want
>>> free lunch not freedom.
>>> So i think the funding for FOSS cannot be along those lines of asking
>>> for proof of business viability. It should ask for passion and activism
>>> that is proven. Many of us are willing to go and sing the FOSS song, but
>>> as freelancers on kuda kepang, i m not sure they can do so for long. At
>>> least i am already unable to answer beyond, MyGoScon, UTP, which
>>> all do not pay for my time. The vendors can send their speakers cos they
>>> are paid.
>>> Is there a fund to support evangelism work? That is not paid by
>>> propreitary vendors? If not, the community should figure out a singular
>>> mechanism to arm themselves before stepping one foot out again into the
>>> battlefield. No use going out, getting shot and then cry for your
>>> mummies.
>>> Live for nothing,
>>> or Die for Something.
>>> from Rambo IV (or III?)
> >

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