And we at hackerspacekl really appreciate the help we get from the fund.

BTW install fest is best done
1) On a large area, everybody will bring their computer,
2) On a place with genuine interest,
3) With a crew that is very patient, because they will ask all sort of
question that will annoy a lot of linux veteran,
4) Willing to walk someone through installation
5) High technical specialty, some user might be interested to install
something for their business

This assumes that we have large user coming to install linux.

Generally I think linux is easy enough to not have a install fest, but then
I used linux long enough that I know the quirk and forget what is hard or

Oh yeah might need a place for tutorial session or workshop on best setup of
server etc.

Also it is easy to think big, and forget the ground work that is needed.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <
> wrote:

> HackerspaceKL donation is sukarela. At any amount pun OK. RM15 is just
> suggestion for donation. The space is provided to us by our friends
> that voluntary pay the rent every month. As a gesture of appreciation,
> each time we use HackerspaceKL  I has suggested, we donate what we
> can. Tak de pun tak pe.
> What HackerspaceKL really want, the community to use the place for
> activities and sebagai tetamu kita jaga baik-baik tempat tu. Our
> community is small, so kerja sama penting.
> Installfest meaningful is done in places that have group that want to
> know Linux. For example we arrange with ICT faculty for one day
> session about Linux and Install-fest.
> or we called for Installfest to all community, lets learn each other
> Distros. :)
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:39 AM, Basyeer Linux <>
> wrote:
> > yes, we do have KOSTEM to manage thing that related to money
> >
> > but what i must say is, it is more to community first
> > this is an idea
> > a kickstart
> > it doesnt mean to be perfect
> >
> > i just assume that we can create or callobrate with hackerspacekl
> > place for an example
> > run the activities there, for an installation demo
> > without fees.
> >
> > im sorry to say, but one of the main reason me myself didnt join
> > hackerspace event because it require money
> > it is burden for us, student
> > rm15 could mean a lot
> > even it is just to sincere donate, but could you just enter without
> > donate a bit?
> > i didnt have courage to do such things
> > even i do have interest in joining it
> >
> > all my words below to show current things from the side of me as
> > student
> > what do student need? those who have interest in learning OSS
> >
> > so this is my suggestion:
> >
> > can we rent hackerspace place for example and create simple event?
> > introduction to OSS and intallation demo
> > trust me, installation to make a dual boot could be complicated for a
> > basic user
> > me myself strugle at the beginning mostly in partition the hdd
> > and yes, we do need internet connection
> > i agree on it
> >
> > rent place and invite all
> > no cost at the starting event
> > we can make this event as a way to determine how many will 'sahut'
> > this call
> > it should not cost a lot rite?
> > just try call anyone, maybe a group of student or any newbie that show
> > interest
> > could also try to reach nearest school/society
> > even only 10 person will come at first event, i think that is alredy
> > big improvement
> >
> > if the geographical place is the obstacle, so i would to suggest if i
> > organize it at my place
> > currently in ipoh, perak. i do have friends, but little
> > it is not quantity that we are seeking for right?
> > quality is much important
> > need person that can commit
> > but of course the event will need help of the community since me
> > myself lack of OSS knowledge
> > the event just needed  to be official and supported by OSDC
> >
> > this is my suggestion, i do think it  will need lot of critism and
> > modification
> > but i talk as a student, as my point of view of newbie in this OSS
> > world
> > do free to talk direct to me
> >
> --
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