ahh didnt help, something more is missing i come up with a new hint tho.

if i comment out this or have it going the resault is all the same ?
isnt it here i set the frusutm ?
beacuse left right bottom top near far is based upon my frustum settings  
in my file like this:

         double left   = ((fromfile.frustum.left)   *  
fromfile.frustum.nearClipping / abs( fromfile.frustum.distance));
         double right  = ((fromfile.frustum.right)  *  
fromfile.frustum.nearClipping / abs( fromfile.frustum.distance));
         double top    = ((fromfile.frustum.top)    *  
fromfile.frustum.nearClipping / abs( fromfile.frustum.distance));
         double bottom = ((fromfile.frustum.bottom) *  
fromfile.frustum.nearClipping / abs( fromfile.frustum.distance));

//camera->setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum(left, right, bottom, top,  
fromfile.frustum.nearClipping, fromfile.frustum.farClipping);

Is there any other way to set the frustum ?, then to use  
what do you guys suggest in this case.

and ty again all for your wonderful help, and time. !

On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 15:50:42 +0200, Robert Osfield  

> On 10/22/07, Johan Johnsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If this can help : i get the same problem if i dont set the
>> camera->setShareLens(false);
>> on my old project,..
>> can i set a flag in OSG v2.0 that corresponds to
>> camera->setShareLens(false) in OSG v1.0? :D
> Yes just set the slave Camera so that its ReferencegFrame is
> ABSOLUTE_RF - this disconnects both the projection and view matrices
> though so the slave is totally independent.
> Robert.
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Visit us at http://www.autosim.no
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