HI Sherman,

Thanks for the log.  Boy its hard to make sense of multi-threaded
console warnings.  A couple of the non interleaved parts are readable
and tracable:

"read or simply that it is broken..d"  comes from:

src/osgPlugins/freetype/FreeTypeLibrary.cpp     -
FreeTypeLibrary::getFace(..) method

Which suggests the FT_New_Face call has failed, which in the past I've
found is down to calls to FreeType being multi-threaded - and FreeType
isn't thread safe.  There are mutexes in osgText to which serialize
access to the freetype, awkwardly it has to be done at a relatively
high level in osgText as its not just individual calls to FreeType
that aren't safe - freetype itself has a current state that must be
maintained between associated calls.

The error :

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file

Suggest to me that either the osgDB::Registry has got muddled or that
the plugins themselves have.  I don't see an obvious cause for this.
Both font reading and 3d model reading does get channelled through
osgDB::Registry but once the plugins are loaded the areas that might
cause overlap and problems are mostly out of the way.  Perhaps its
just a case of one part failing then overwriting memory then knocking
out other innocent modules.

 In this spirit might fixing the multi-threading issues with the
freetype plugin fix the other issues?  Right now this is the avenue
I'd take.   W.r.t fixing freetype I wonder if we need to change the
Freetype plugin so that operations don't be it are done in operation
blocks with these blocks being seariliazed by the freetype plugin.
These operation blocks would do everything required to service the
current needs of the calling class and remove the need for the
freetype plugin being state sensitive like it now.  I think the area
of state that needs to be addressed is that to get a font face you
first need to set the sizes required etc. then get the font face.

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