Hi Jean, 

   I have developed an application that uses a CompositeViewer. It has 2 views. 
One of the View is used as a User Interface -- display a few buttons drawn 
using osg::Geometry, etc. The task of this view is to communicate to the 
application the image processing modules to be incorporated on the captured 
image before it is displayed. The second view handles the scene and has an 
associated manipulator to move the camera. The scene is rendered to texture, 
required image processing modules are applied and result displayed on the 
scene. I think it may be difficult to handle such a case using 



----- Original Message ----
From: Jean-Sebastien Guay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:17:50 AM
Subject: [osg-users] osgViewer::Viewer vs osgViewer::CompositeViewer


I was wondering if someone could give me some sample use cases for both
osgViewer::Viewer and osgViewer::CompositeViewer, at a high level.

I understand that Viewer "is a" View whereas CompositeViewer "has a" list of
Views, so in general, if we only have one view, CompositeViewer will only add
unnecessary complexity, is that right?

Say we need a viewer that will be able to view one scene, either in a window or
full screen or across multiple screens. osgViewer::Viewer is sufficient for
that, is that right? And osgViewer::CompositeViewer will add complexity, like
event handlers needing to be assigned to each view, and such, is that right?
But beyond this example, I'd like some more general use cases. That would be a
big help.

Where I work, we are using CompositeViewer, but I think for the wrong reasons.
I'd like to know more so I can see if it's the right decision.


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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