Hello Robert,

Wow, thanks for the great explanation! I think I'll start a wiki page with this
stuff, as well as a list of examples. Might be useful to others in the future.

Most of the typical use cases that were described to me seem to fit the single
View(er) as I thought they would.

I have a few follow-up questions, though.

> Implementation wise
> this is where you have a master Camera that provides the overall view
> and projection matrix and slave cameras which have their own local
> offsets relative to this master Camera.

Do the slave cameras have to be relative to the master camera? Couldn't they
have an ABSOLUTE reference frame and then be positioned in world space?

> ...or a 3D scene and a map view, ...

Say we want a 3D scene and a "radar/sonar" view which has a different scene
graph, would that fit that example as well? In general I would have done the
sonar as an RTT camera, but I guess it could be done with a separate View, and
in that case, a CompositeViewer would be required, right?

Though I still wonder if it's worth it to use a CompositeViewer everywhere for
just that one case.

Thanks again, I'll be sure to keep that info in a safe place for future

Jean-Sebastien Guay     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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