Hi Robert and Gordon,

Many thanks for the responses.

I think I failed to make my problem clear. Sorry.

I have an OSG scene. My client needs to load this into Creator to do some 
additional work on it. Once he has finished his work, he exports to FLT from 
Creator, and runs osgconv to convert it to an IVE file.

I'm looking for a means of doing the transfer from OSG to Creator. The rest is 
already sorted. Whilst the FLT export pluggin was being developed I hoped to 
achieve the export from OSG to Creator via another format. 

My colleague looked at .obj but the results from the OSG export weren't good 
(apparently - though I haven't seen them myself). I don't think we tried the 
COLLADA, but given your response, Gordon, I suspect I'm not going to be 
successful there.

Looked at Polytrans as we already have a version here, but didn't spot any 
support for COLLADA.

Thanks for your help on this.


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