Hi J-S,

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <

> The "absence" of this option has made no difference in the fact that it
> all works great on Vista. I never liked Horizontal Span anyways, for the
> issues others have brought up (taskbar way too long, windows pop in the
> split between two screens).

For two graphics cards two separate graphics contexts is certainly best, but
for a single graphics card across two screens the best performance will be
found by using a single graphics context across both screens.  For a vis-sim
application its certainly highly desirable feature and real loss from a
developers toolbox.

Now for a desktop app this might not be so bad so the issues with the
desktop managers handling of this setup is a consideration, and top
performance may well be a secondary issue.  These problems are solvable
though, under X11 there are extension to handle where windows pop up for

So while it's good to hear "vista works great" for you, this needs to be put
in to context once you start comparing it to other OS's that don't have the
same arbitrary limitations.  Not only are this limitations not good news for
Vista, but performance under OpenGL is not what once was, XP used to lead
over Linux, not any more, it trails both Linux and Solaris:


This sad state of affairs means that apps written with the OpenSceneGraph
are running slower than they should under Vista.  For OpenGL apps its been a
backward step relative to XP.   Just now we have XP NVidia drivers crashing
and well this is most likely down to Nvidia driver exhibiting a regression
in quality.  Hopefully it'll be just a temporary hitch, when NVidia get
their drivers right they really sing (at least under XP and Linux :-)

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