Hello Franclin,

But for shape drawable, geometry information is hidden to clients (and I don't know why but I suspect performance issues) that is why you need to use shaders for them.

Well actually the Shape / ShapeDrawable classes were originally designed as simple debugging tools, so little thought was put into their design. They're just implemented as simple display lists with little customization possible, and no access to the internals. If you want to do any serious geometry with any acceptable level of control, you'll want to use osg::Geometry and define the vertices yourself.

One side of the coin:
I had suggested to Robert that I could reimplement the Shape / ShapeDrawable classes using an underlying osg::Geometry, so that they would behave as they do now but offer more control if needed (probably as it should have been done right from the beginning). He was open to this, but I haven't had time to do it yet.

The other side of the coin:
Do you know how easy it is to download Blender, create a sphere, save it and load it up with OSG? And when you do, it will be a full-fledged osg::Geometry and you will have total control over it. If you use the osg exporter for Blender you can even edit the .osg file and make sure it's structured exactly how you want it.

I generally favor using data for everything (as much as possible / reasonable) as opposed to hard-coding things, since later it's much easier to replace the sphere model by something else if it's a model file than if I have to open the project, find the relevant code, change it, compile it, test it...

This is just my opinion though, and the Shape / ShapeDrawable classes still have uses, which is why I still want to do what I mentioned above, someday. :-)

Hope this clears things up.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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