Hi Robert,

My OpenGL version string only "2". I can only see the major version number.
I have OSG-2.6.1 on XP SP2.


2008/11/24 Paul Melis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Robert Osfield wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> In response to problems with the obj loader when the c local is set to
>> one that use comma for the decimal place (same problem previously
>> affected the .osg) I have begun make the custom atof function I wrote
>> for the .osg plugin as public function of osgDB so it could be used
>> else where.   This then brought me to ask the question how widely
>> should I roll out this new osgDB::asciiToDouble/asciiToFloat(..)
>> function.
>> The key question is how widely the data formats that users will be
>> reading, .osg, .obj are starters as this as ascii formats.  What about
>> others like COLLADA files, or even version strings and env vars that
>> users set themselves.  If you know what local the data you are reading
>> is in then you can use what is appropriate, but this could change for
>> machine to machine, user to user.
>> There are some constraints for certain formats - like .osg does write
>> out only in the standard locale format, so we know always to read it
>> with the same locale.  Is .obj always going to be the same?  What
>> about OpenGL version strings?
>> The OpenGL version string is an interesting one, because I suspect
>> it'll always be reported in the standard local i.e the OSG version
>> number being 2.1 rather than 2,1.  The could be an issue if the locale
>> is set so that atof only looks for 2,1 but then reads 21... or would
>> that be 2.  Which ever way it'd be wrong and we could be getting wrong
>> behaviour.
>> So... could users who's machine are set up for a locale that uses the
>> command convention for decimal places please post what results they
>> get for the OpenGL version string, and what the OSG parses this string
>> to be (i.e. the result of osg::getGLVersionNumber()).
> The OpenGL spec specifies that the return value of glGetString(GL_VERSION)
> should begin with "major_number.minor_number[.release_number]", so if the
> results are locale-dependent and suddenly use a comma instead of a period
> that's clearly a bug in the drivers. Or am I misunderstanding your question
> about the returned OpenGL version string?
> Paul
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