Hi Jeremy,
I have a Nvidia Card, so thanks for your tip? Yet I don't undertand what
it's supposed to do exactly.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Jeremy Moles <jer...@emperorlinux.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 19:33 +0100, Simon Loic wrote:
> > Ok forget about it it was a problem of -fPic flag in the compilation
> > of some libraries.
> > The next step is to make osg framerate constant in order to get smooth
> > videos. If I undertood well what was said before this consists in
> > rewriting the Mainloop of the viewer. I'll try this soon.
> It's much easier if you're using an NVidia card! :) Here are two bash
> functions I wrote to help:
> # Run an OpenGL application with antialiasing.
> function __fsaa() {
>        if [ -z "${*}" ]; then
>                echo -e "usage: fsaa NUM CMDLINE\n"
>                echo -e "\t0 = FSAA disabled"
>                echo -e "\t1 = 2x Bilinear Multisampling"
>                echo -e "\t2 = 2x Quincunx Multisampling"
>                echo -e "\t3 = FSAA disabled"
>                echo -e "\t4 = 4x Bilinear Multisampling"
>                echo -e "\t5 = 4x Gaussian Multisampling"
>                echo -e "\t6 = 2x Bilinear Multisampling 4x SS"
>                echo -e "\t7 = 4x Bilinear Multisampling 4x SS"
>                echo -e "\t8 = 4x Bilinear Multisampling 2x SS\n"
>                return 1
>        else
>                local MODE="${1}"
>                shift 1
>                eval "__GL_FSAA_MODE=${MODE} ${*}"
>        fi
> }
> # Run an OpenGL application with vsync enabled.
> function __glsync() {
>        eval "__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=1 ${*}"
> }
> ...
> Once you've added these to your bashrc, you can do something like this:
>        # __glsync osgviewer
> ...or...
>        # __fsaa 4 __glsync osgviewer
> The general idea is to export the __GL_* variables properly. :)
> > Thanks once again.
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Simon Loic <simon1l...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >         Hi, I'm back at work and I can give you the details.
> >
> >         The first problem I had was at compile time. I think it was
> >         linked with conflicting definitions. Here is the error
> >         message.
> >
> >         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >         /bin/mkdir -p bc/gl
> >         perl ./gengl/gengl.perl --mode=alias "/usr/include/GL/gl.h"
> >         "/usr/include/GL/glx.h" "/usr/include/GL/glext.h"
> >         "/usr/include/GL/glxext.h"  > bc/gl/alias.bc
> >         glFramebufferTextureLayerEXT is defined in both
> >         GL_NV_geometry_program4 and GL_EXT_texture_array
> >         at ./gengl/gengl.perl line 436, <H> line 10154.
> >         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >
> >         To solve it I did something quite ugly : I commented the
> >         mentioned line 436 of gengl/gengl.perl. After that  It
> >         compiles but I looking forward a better fix.
> >
> >         The second problem I get is the more important. The bugle
> >         filterset associated with screen capture is not recognised.
> >         I get the following warning :
> >
> >
> >         >>>  warning: ignoring unknown filter-set screenshot
> >
> >         BTW, Im using the following command :
> >
> >         >>> BUGLE_CHAIN=video LD_PRELOAD=libbugle.so my_application
> >
> >         with the following chain:
> >
> >         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >         # Captures a video file.
> >         chain video
> >         {
> >             # Press C-V to start and to stop recording. By removing
> >         the "inactive"
> >             # tag, recording will start immediately.
> >             filterset screenshot C-V inactive
> >             {
> >                 video "yes"
> >                 filename "bugle.avi"
> >
> >                 # You can in theory use any codec supported by ffmpeg
> >                 codec "mpeg4"
> >
> >                 # Roughly DVD size, although no high quality options
> >         are set
> >                 bitrate "7500000"
> >
> >                 # By default, a frame is captured every 30th of a
> >         second, with
> >                 # frames skipped or duplicated as necessary. Uncomment
> >         this
> >                 # line to instead capture every frame exactly once to
> >         the
> >                 # output.
> >                 # allframes "yes"
> >
> >                 # Control the encoding latency. A higher latency may
> >         give
> >                 # better throughput, at the expense of more memory.
> >                 # lag "1"
> >             }
> >         }
> >         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >
> >         Just so you know, here is the recap of the configure script
> >         call (it may help):
> >
> >         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >         Configuration:
> >                 libavcodec: yes
> >                 readline: yes
> >                 GUI: yes (with OpenGL)
> >                 X event interception: yes
> >         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >
> >         Thanks very much.
> >
> >
> >
> >         On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Simon Loic
> >         <simon1l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >                 I tried it but I encountered few problems. I will send
> >                 you the detailed tomorrow. Still thanks for the tip.
> >
> >
> >
> >                 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Jeremy Moles
> >                 <jer...@emperorlinux.com> wrote:
> >                         Not trying to hijack this thread--and I can't
> >                         really read it all for now
> >                         because I'm still fighting off lots of
> >                         complications from a recent oral
> >                         surgery--but what you want is called "bugle."
> >                         I used it to make all of
> >                         the old osgWidget and osgPango videos and it
> >                         works like a charm.
> >
> >                         What it does is LD_PRELOAD's glSwap() or
> >                         whatever and replaces it with a
> >                         version that shimmies off data to ffmpeg for
> >                         encoding. Simple, clean,
> >                         and easy for basic usage.
> >
> >
> >                         On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 20:38 +0100, Simon Loic
> >                         wrote:
> >                         > Hi,
> >                         >
> >                         > I apology in advance if this thread have
> >                         been heavily answered before
> >                         > (if so just tell where I can find the
> >                         solution). Still I would like to
> >                         > know the different alternative (the good
> >                         ones) to record a video of my
> >                         > scene.
> >                         > So far I was using an external tool for
> >                         screenCast (called istanbul).
> >                         > But I'm not satisfied by this because when
> >                         my scene is very complex,
> >                         > my osg based application is lagging and this
> >                         leads to a poor quality
> >                         > of th video.
> >                         >
> >                         > I'm especially interested if there is a way
> >                         to create an
> >                         > RecordCameraPathHandler to record a path,
> >                         and then instead of saving
> >                         > it as a .path file compute the video in a
> >                         batch mode. By batch mode I
> >                         > mean that the creation of the video doesn't
> >                         need to be real time. In
> >                         > that way I could hopefully control the lag
> >                         effects and eventually the
> >                         > resolution of the video.
> >                         >
> >                         > Sincerely,
> >                         >
> >                         > --
> >                         > Loïc Simon
> >
> >
> >                         >
> >                         _______________________________________________
> >                         > osg-users mailing list
> >                         > osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
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> >
> >                         _______________________________________________
> >                         osg-users mailing list
> >                         osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
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> http://lists.openscenegraph.org/listinfo.cgi/osg-users-openscenegraph.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                 --
> >                 Loïc Simon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >         --
> >         Loïc Simon
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Loïc Simon
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> > osg-users mailing list
> > osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
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Loïc Simon
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