I  guess I understand why people do it, but I would rather that OSG kept the 
limited scope of being a scene graph, that is with the features just of doing 
3d rendering.  I think a more limited scope makes it more useful as a drop in 
component of a game engine.  

physics and audio, while they are necessary in a game or simulation engine, 
they are not rendered, and I don't think they belong in a scene graph.  In 
delta3d, we have, and are more and more trying to separate things such as 
drawing, physics, and audio from simulated objects (actors) so that actors can 
be composed of these features via componentization and messaging.  We would 
eventually even like delta3d to have the ability to use different renderers.

As technologies like raytracing become more prevalent, the scene graph may have 
change a fair bit, but that shouldn't affect the audio and physics systems.

Originally we had wanted to work with Robert more closely to make delta3d have 
game engine features, and osg have the rendering features, but things didn't 
evolve that way.

Either way, this is not a discussion for the osgPhysics list.  I'm making 
dtPhysics, which appears to have nearly exactly the same goals as you have 
except that we intend to integrate with delta3d its component system.

I email back and forth with Adrian Boeing a fair bit, and I have commit access 
to PAL, as I said before, so we would discuss the features and direction of 
PAL, as we see it.  Perhaps PAL needs a mailing list, or maybe we need to do 
something more like a telecon to discuss things.  I don't know where in the 
world you are.  I'm on the east coast of the US.  Adrian is, I think, in 
Australia.  So, I'm not sure how practical that is.

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