You're welcome
In fact i did not know that in blender we could do it this way that's why the exporter does not hnadle the case because i dont use it.
It's a good opportunity to improve the exporter to manage this case.

I will try to add that soon.


Ryan Morris wrote:
Thanks for taking the time to look into this. I did have a
"revelation" a few days ago that lead me to the same conclusion.
Basically I had to go back and assign vertices to the named vgroups.
not a big deal once I figured it out I was just going crazy thinking I
was doing something completely wrong. I figured the exporter should
recognize this but it works perfectly if I do the following:
-select a vgroup
-select the vertices I want in the group
-click the "assign" button
that seemed to fix my issues. Again thanks Cedric for all your help
and hard work!
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