Hello Morné,

Sorry, not enough info :)  Pressing 'a' will add a view, 'r' will
remove it.  It works as expected until the last view is removed.
Another way to see it is to construct the composite viewer without
adding any views at compile time, and then trying to add one pressing
'a' at runtime.

We're doing something similar to this (as you might have seen in previous discussions about CompositeViewer::addView() in the past month or so). There's one major difference though, we create a new GraphicsWindow for each view (because we want Qt to manage the split between windows, and we want each window to be undockable). For us it works well, and it should for you too.

Just so you know, we're using Qt 4.4.x on Windows.

I've tested your example, and I see the two issues you do:

- The trackball manipulator does not throw (since Robert does not see this we can assume this is a Windows-specific problem, either caused by Qt on Windows or GraphicsWindowWin32's event handling)

- When there are no views in the CompositeViewer (either because none were added at startup, or because all existing views were removed with 'r') then adding views doesn't have any visible effect (the window contains either what it contained when the last view was removed, or if you put another window over it then it doesn't repaint).

I'm looking into this to see if I can find out what we're doing differently (other than a different graphics context for each view) that could fix your issues. I've tried some things (realizing the viewer, stopping/starting threading manually, etc.) but nothing has worked yet. I'll be checking this on my off time between other tasks though, so you might have to wait a day or two until I've had enough total time to work on it.

I'll get back to you soon.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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