Hi Morné,

The other approach might be to create an empty View that does nothing,
has no scene, but at least has a Camera with the GraphicsWindow
assigned to it.  It's viewport could be zero sized so would be litte
more than a non op, and you have have the GraphicsWindow do the clear
each frame for you.  This approach why a bit inelegant would probably
prevent the problems you are seeing, and would just require an
additionally couple of lines of set up code at the creation time,
thereafter you'd just ignore this extra View.

Yep, in my testing what Robert suggests would work since as long as you have at least one view there is no problem. It's removing that last view and then adding others that brings up the problem.

Sorry I couldn't find anything more definitive on my end.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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