Hi Robert,

Not many ideas, but:
- This may be related to the "IC" class used at this moment. Unfortunately, 
there is no clue in the log about which "IC" causes it, except it's in osgDB 
wrapper. So this may be the DatabasePager. Perhaps is it linked to:
        I_StaticMethod0(osgDB::DatabasePager *, create,
                        "create a DatabasePager by cloning 
DatabasePager::prototype(). ",
in DatabasePager.cpp?

- Could this be related to the fact that ConstructorInfo is private 
inheritance? I guess no, but...
- Just for info, the help says VC generates 4702 when a catch() block cannot be 
reached (when functions called in try() are all "C", because extern C functions 
are assumed to not throw).

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Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 14:32:59 +0100, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> a 

> Hi All,
> I'm look at the follow warning under Windows.  I can't figure out why
> there is a warning of this type:
> 152>d:\prog\libs\openscenegraph\include\osgintrospection\typedconstructorinfo(36)
> : warning C4702: unreachable code
> The code is:
>     template<typename C, typename IC>
>     struct TypedConstructorInfo0: ConstructorInfo
>     {
>         TypedConstructorInfo0(const ParameterInfoList& plist,
> std::string briefHelp = std::string(), std::string detailedHelp =
> std::string())
>         :    ConstructorInfo(typeof(C), plist, briefHelp, detailedHelp)
>         {
>         }
>         Value createInstance(ValueList&  /*args*/) const
>         {
>             return IC::create();
>         } <<<<<<< This is line 36 for which the warning is being emited.
>     };
> The offending line is overriding a virtual createInstance(ValueList&)
> const method from the ConstructorInfo base class.  This usage pattern
> is also used in the many other template classes in
> include/osgIntrospection/TypedConstructorInfo but none generate
> warnings...
> Strange, any chance that someone can shine some light on this warning?
> Robert.
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