Hi Phillip,

Interesting project. Thank you for going in that direction.

However I'm not sure it adresses my problem. I just want:
- Windows users to be able to download a game and not having to worry about 
anything else
- Not having a huge file to download (that's just a small app)
- Not taking much time to prepare files to be downloaded

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine - http://pvle.sourceforge.net/

Le Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:54:29 +0100, Philip Lowman <phi...@yhbt.com> a écrit:

> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Sukender <suky0...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Hi all Windows users (and others too, I'm not doing discrimination ;) ),
>> Under Linux (& co), packages can have dependencies. Under Windows, we're
>> far to have such an easy system.
>> Question is: how could we redistribute efficiently the OSG binaries (I mean
>> when not linking statically) alongside our apps?
>> Here are my suggestions, please share your thoughts.
>> 1. Manually copy the DLLs in the app's dir. That becomes a pain if you
>> select each DLL by hand, and you may have multiple copies for each app.
>> 2. Say to the user (s)he must download the OSG binaires. Not very user
>> firendly, IMO.
>> 3. Create a nice installer that contains the OSG packages. Thus the
>> installer become obese since we don't need all the DLLs...
>> 4. Create a nice installer that contains partial packages. Not very "clean"
>> to begin splitting packages I think.
>> 5. Create a nice installer that will download packages on the web. Nice,
>> but what about installing on a machine that has no connection? Should we
>> provide both "online" and "offline" installers?
> I'm starting a project called CMakePorts that aims to solve some of these
> goals.  The goal would be to build many of the popular dependent libraries
> as part of the OSG and then since they would be "make installed" they could
> simply be picked up by CPack (and/or any installer someone might choose to
> contribute).
> http://code.google.com/p/cmakeports/wiki/CMakePortsPlan
> It's obviously still in the planning phase right now though.
>> And about installers... Should we copy the DLLs to the system dir? What
>> about Vista and its strange policies about having access to system dirs (I
>> simply stayed under XP :D )?
> Assuming you want an application to be used by non-administrators and
> non-power users (certainly the case with the OSG, IMHO) you're always going
> to want the DLLs to at least be available alongside the .EXE files as an
> option in the installer.

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