Hi Vincent,

I use 3 lights in the scene, but sometimes there is some lighting strange 
behavior, depending a very little camera orientation change...

From the screenshots I can't say if this is your problem, but I have sometimes seen some cases where moving the camera just a little bit would make an object "flash" - i.e. the lighting would be dark then light then dark then light.

I have found that this was often caused by the model not having vertex normals in it. In my case I would fix it by opening the model in MultiGen Creator and using the "Calculate Shading" tool, which calculates vertex normals for the model, and resaving it.

In my case, this problem did not appear when using the fixed pipeline. I assume that's because the fixed pipeline can handle cases where the model has only face normals just fine, whereas my shaders assumed that vertex normals were available, and in the case of some models that wasn't true.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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