Hi Peter,

I had the same problem with tooltips + windows forms + OSG.  It only
happened on certain video cards with certain drivers.  I could never find a
solution for it, but what I ended up doing was pausing the OSG render loop
for a few seconds (long enough for someone to read the tooltip) before a
tooltip was displayed.  This worked ok for the most part, but also had its
own issues obviously.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Peter Amstutz

> I have a similar problem to the one described here, although with Windows
> Forms rather than WPF.  Whenever my application renders a tooltip which
> overlaps the OSG window, the tooltip gets cut off on the next OSG frame.
>  I've spent hours trying to find any information about how to work around
> the problem, but have drawn a blank.  This seems to mainly be a problem on
> Windows XP; the systems with Vista I have tried do not exhibit this problem.
>  I can't speak to whether different hardware/drivers have different
> behavior, though.
> Peter
> Brede Johansen wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> What you describe sounds like the WPF airspace limitation described here
>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa970688.aspx.  The short version
>> is that each pixel can only belong to one render technology (WPF, DirectX,
>> Win32 OpenGL).
>> A workaround is to render your OSG scene off screen and give the bitmap to
>> WPF.
>> Brede
>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Brian Stewart <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>    I have developed an application where I have an OSG window
>>    embedded in a windows application built with WPF. On certain
>>    Geforce cards there seems to be a bug where WPF popup windows
>>    (like menus) that have AllowTransparency set to true do not draw
>>    correctly over my OSG window. Basically whenever the OSG/OpenGL
>>    window updates, it overwrites all overlapping pixels, even if the
>>    popup is higher in the window manager's Z-order. I have isolated
>>    it to an issue with the OpenGL driver. It only occurs on Geforce
>>    cards, not Quadro cards (which is not surprising, since I've read
>>    the Geforce cards were optimized for DirectX). I'm not so much
>>    looking for a fix (though one would be welcome) - I'm just
>>    wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I have already
>>    filed a bug report with nvidia, and it might help if I could
>>    report that others are having issues with it too (or maybe I
>>    really am the only person out there foolish enough to try this).
>>    If anyone is interested, I can supply a small
>>     test project that uses WPF and OpenGL together to demonstrate the
>>    problem.
>>    Thanks!
>>    ------------------
>>    Read this topic online here:
>>    http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=7967#7967
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