I ran into the same issue on an OpenSuSE 10.2 x86_64 system when working with 
Stable Release 2.8.0 of osg.  In case it's of help to anyone, I can offer that 
the following workaround helped me past the problem:

Despite /opt/gnome/lib64 being in my system's ld.so.conf, the link step 
apparently failed to find libgdk-x11-2.0.so in that directory when attempting 
to produce osgPlugins-2.8.0/osgdb_pdf.so.  Manually modifying the link.txt file 
(originally created by the invocation of cmake in the top-level configure 
script) in the 
OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0/src/osgPlugins/pdf/CMakeFiles/osgdb_pdf.dir/ directory to 
insert "-L/opt/gnome/lib64" in front of the references to gdk-x11-2.0 manages 
to get the c++ linker to find the library.  After such modification that file, 
typing "make" again causes the build to pick up where it left off and run 
through to successful completion.

Hope this proves helpful.  I have not tried building the 2.8.1-rc3 code that's 
currently available to see if this issue is reproducible there.

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