Hi Robert --

My CMake-foo is weak, so a bit of hand-holding is appreciated in finding the 
info you seek.

Agreed whole-heartedly with your comment about the right way to fix the problem 
I encountered -- my low comfort level with CMake led me to stumble onto the 
quick and dirty workaround I described.

What I can offer is this:
* in the svg plugin, the libgdk*.so libraries appear to be successfully 
referenced and linked in as seen in that plugin's link.txt where 
"-L/opt/gnome/lib64" appears in the CMake-generated version of that file (i.e. 
I didn't touch that one at all)
* in the problematic pdf plugin's CMakeLists.txt, I see POPPLER_LIB_DIRS 
referenced like this:
* looking in the top-level CMakeCache.txt, I can find no such POPPLER_LIB_DIRS 
definition however I do find that both POPPLER_LDFLAGS and POPPLER_LIBRARY_DIRS 
contain references to /opt/gnome/lib64 (the link directory I needed for the pdf 
plugin to build on my particular system) in their definitions; in particular, 
this line:

I do not know if POPPLER_LIB_DIRS should be replaced with POPPLER_LIBRARY_DIRS, 
but I hope the above proves helpful.

Please guide me to dig for more information -- I'm happy to help.


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