Can I raise the proposal for a wiki again?

Openscenegraph is a complex piece of infrastructure. It involves maths topics  
like matrices and quaternions (that many of us forgot 20years ago), advanced 
C++ concepts (ref ptr and heavily templated code), OpenGL interoperation and a 
fairly complex problem domain.
The resources are the examples, Paul Martz's excellent introduction and the 
source. There are FAQs and tutorials on other sites but how up-to-date or 
correct are they?

The forums are a great help because it is easier to track a thread than in the 
mailing list. But I am wary about posting solutions in case they are not quite 
correct. A wiki would make it easier to post FAQs and samples  which can then 
be corrected by more knowledgeable users without a long thread war.

It would also be a good place to publish code snippets which aren't necessarily 
submissions to the core code.

Martin Beckett

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