Hi all,

Given that the VRML plugin is a bit of work to compile due to the dependence on a very old version of OpenVRML, I've built a binary packages of OpenVRML-0.14.3 for Win32 Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005, and Mac OS X 10.4 32-bit universal.

The binaries are here for your pleasure:

I also note that previous discussion about why the VRML plugin couldn't be updated to a newer version of OpenVRML centred on the boost dependency. I'm sure that thats much less of an issue now that we have boost binaries for most Linux distros, plus Windows and Mac.

Of course, the bigger issue with the VRML plugin is that it doesn't support any sort of animation. OpenVRML 0.14.3 supports animation including animated textures. Does anyone here have a good knowledge of the VRML, good enough to add support for importing VRML animations from OpenVRML nodes?


Philip Lamb

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