On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Jan Ciger <jan.ci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
>> That, and the fact that OSG now supports a newer version of the COLLADA
>> plugin which also has a dependency on boost, so there's precedent... I'm
>> not sure the argument is valid anymore, and I'm pretty sure that if
>> someone wanted to update the plugin and build scripts to be able to use
>> a newer version of OpenVRML it would be accepted.
>> J-S
> The patch for newer VRML actually exists already, it was contributed to
> me some time ago. I didn't merge it because Robert didn't want the boost
> dependency in there.
> Robert, do I have a green light for updating the plugin, including the
> boost issue? If yes, I will sent an updated version soon.

Yes, green light to porting across to the latest version of OpenVRML
at all it's dependencies...

Hopefully it'll have the use the same version of boost....

I believe I gave the thumbs up to moving to the latest version of
OpenVRML during the last discussion of the topic of VRML support.
Easy to miss this amongst the many thousands for post that wiz by...

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