Hi Jose,

Good news, I was able to checkout OSG.
The longest break without data coming in, was 18 seconds.
There must be something else about those timeouts your end is watching for?
because otherwise, the data stream fills the available bandwidth.

Bad news, I tried to checkout OpenSceneGraph-Data
Jul-31 6:14:42 [0[pts/2:10]sandreas /<1>src/SVN> svn checkout
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume_lit.frag
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume_iso.frag
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume.frag
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume_lit_tf.frag
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume_tf_iso.frag
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume_mip.frag
U    OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/volume_tf.frag
A    OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images/whitemetal_normal.jpg
A    OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images/purpleFlowers.png
A    OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images/primitives.gif
svn: REPORT of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read response
body: connection was closed by server. (http://www.openscenegraph.org)
Jul-31 6:18:18 [1[pts/2:11]

Didn't get very far.

Good news: Second try did finish.


Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:
First of all, thanks for keep on trying, sorry it didn't worked. I've
tweaked again the server timeouts, could you give it another try? In
the past we've had problems with those parameters due to DDoS attacks,
keeping low timeouts helped (not a very elegant solution, but worked).

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