Hi Philip, Sherman,

I agree with the basic principle that building everything from source removes lots of uncertainty from the equation. The only problem I have with that is that whenever you want to bump the version number of one of the dependencies, you run the risk that some changes in the sources/build system will break your build, and then you have to try to debug an unfamiliar project or build system.

In building the dependencies for OSG at work, I remember that out of 7 dependencies, maybe 3 used Visual Studio .sln/.dsw projects, the others used nmake. For those that used nmake, their nmake scripts often varied a lot, so where to tweak the build settings (for building debug/release, and for /MD vs /MDD, etc.) varied. Nothing is standardized - I know people tend to dislike automake/autoconf but they really simplify this kind of thing on Linux.

It's just a lot of hassle that you have to go through every time you bump the version number of some dependency. If I were able to avoid that, I would be glad to.

In the end, there's a finite number of dependencies and a finite number of different build configurations, so why not just list them and assign them to people, and then everyone could use them once they're built and uploaded to openscenegraph.org? We could assign for example Win32 MSVC8 (debug+release) to one person, Win64 MSVC8 (debug+release) to another, etc.

Philip, I like your idea of making CMake setups for these dependencies, it kind of resembles automake/autoconf. The problem is that the CMake files won't be managed by the upstream project, but by another external group (us). Won't the same problem happen when we decide to change versions?

Maybe I'm over-evaluating the risk, since the version will likely be bumped only seldom and when it is, only one person will have to check that everything still builds correctly and fix it if it doesn't, and then commit the changes to the CMake files for everyone to use. But still, I wouldn't want to be that person.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents on the subject, I like the idea but it carries some risks, we just have to be aware before we decide to support this completely...

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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