While poring over thread after thread dealing with build dependencies on
Windows I had a weird thought a while back: computers are fast these days,
why not just build everything (including 3rd party dependencies) from

The way I see it, issues on Windows are going to get worse far before they
get any better.  Issues like:
1. Differing compiler versions (MSVC 7.1/8/9, MinGW 3.4/4.4)
2. The need for Debug libraries with certain compilers
3. The need for 32 and/or 64-bit libraries
4. The occasional need for a complete static build
5. The need/desire for some people to compile with /MT or _SECURE_SCL=0 on
...are likely not to be going away anytime soon and they can create a
confusing ecosystem.  Also, security issues & library bugfixes tend to get
ignored once someone has that prebuilt library sitting off in CM somewhere.

So I cmakeified libpng, zlib, and libjpeg (building on some work previously
done by Luigi Calori and others) and wrapped them in ZIP files called
CMakeports.  The three put together take about 5 seconds total to build on
my 3 year old core2 duo.  They are available at the website below.


I've integrated and tested* the 3 ports with OSG using osgviewer --image,
and things seem to be working fine.  I'd like to submit this to
osg-submissions assuming there is enough interest in the idea.  I'm doubtful
this could satisfy 100% of the dependencies people might want to use with
the OSG, but I'm optimistic it could cover the major ones (png, jpg, zlib,
tiff, & freetype seem like no-brainers to me).

* I have tested:
MinGW 3.4.
* I have partially tested:
MSVC9 32-bit DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH=OFF (code compiles but haven't tried
building/linking a custom viewer)
* I have not tested:
MSVC9 64-bit
MinGW 4.4.0

Philip Lowman

Attachment: cmakeports_osg.patch
Description: Binary data

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