Paul Martz wrote:
> I am booked 100% with client work, and if my clients are content on the
> current release, and there are no pending new features that the clients
> need, then I have no funding or availability to support a new stable
> release.

  And that's totally reasonable.

> Ultimately, Chris, if you have a need for a stable release, or even a
> need to get your changes into a branch that will eventually lead to a
> stable release, then you have just volunteered. :-)

  Actually, while I _am_ volunteering, it's not because I need a new release. 
Anybody I'm
working with right now can build from source with patches I send. But, I 
dislike seeing
the trunk get stale and fragmented, so I want to ensure that we hold together a 
release protocol.

> If I'm not mistaken, we can branch the trunk either right now, or just
> prior to the start of Robert's GL ES2 work, and Chris could add his
> changes to the branch, and that branch could eventually lead to a 2.10
> stable release. Robert's trunk work could eventually lead to a 2.12
> release. The downside of this is there might be a potentially nasty
> merge in there somewhere.
> Robert, Chris: Thoughts?

  While I'm very opposed to the "nasty merge" part, I don't have any need to 
force any
sort of branches or releases myself. I'm simply trying to look out for the 
maintenance of the entire trunk.

> Paul Martz
> Skew Matrix Software LLC
> _http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <>
> +1 303 859 9466

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon
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