On 12/10/2009 3:55 AM, Martin Aasen wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Do you mean that VPB now uses a regularly gridded mesh which I would have to 
> convert into a TIN in order to use osgTDS? Can I configure VPB to output in 
> the “old way” so I can use osgTDS on the generated mesh? I see I can give the 
> following options, but don’t know if any of them will have an effect in this 
> case:

  Correct. see Robert's posting.

> Output:
> --HEIGHT_FIELD: Create a height field database 
> --POLYGONAL: Create a height field database (default) 
> --TERRAIN: Create a osgTerrain::Terrain database

  I don't recall if any of these force the old TIN style anymore. i thought 
there was
still an option, but I haven't used it in quite a while.

> What you have done sounds interesting! Too bad you can’t release it (at least 
> yet). I guess the process of merging the roads with the terrain would be 
> offline if done on the CPU, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be..? 

  It's possible. It's just that people need to be able to underwrite 
development costs. My
current client is doing so, but since no-one else is, they don't have a lot of 
to share their work.

> I have also thought of marking the triangles in the terrain skin that are cut 
> by a road, so they can be subdivided and flattened in a geometry shader. The 
> marking could for example be done by clever use of texture coordinates, and 
> distances to the closest point on the road relative to each of the affected 
> vertices stored in textures. Any thoughts on this? I really don’t know if it 
> is feasible. The good thing is that if it works you don’t need to make 
> changes to VPB or the database, jus run a pre-processing step to generate the 
> texture coordinates and textures.

  This too sounds interesting. There's a lot of distance-to-line operations 
that are
expensive to do at runtime, so my work tries to resolve everything in advance 
and bake the
results into the existing data so the runtime viewer has no idea anything 
special is going
on. It's just loading VPB terrain and displaying it.

> Martin

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon AlphaPixel.com
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