Hi Tobias,

I do not know at all OSG, the Cmake build is structured to search at configure time (cmake-gui or ccmake or cmake-D<preset variable>) the needed plugin dependencies and include plugin code if the dependencies is found. The search code for dependencies are either in CMakeModules/Find<xxx>.cmake or in the cmake root/Modules folder It seem to me that the user is not currently able to configure at config time which plugin to build. Probably the easiest thing in your case would be to edit the CMakeModules/FindQuickTime.cmake to make it fail in your situation (adding an exception for OSX and 64 bit)
This patch has probably some chances to be accepted.

Otherwise, a more general solution, would be to insert some form of user CMake configurability.

One of the simplest think would be to allow to override the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. So you do exactly the same change to FindQuickTime.cmake but not need to change the svn copy, just put it in your module override folder and configure with
cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH:PATH=<your override module folder>

I have tested module overriding in windows and Linux and it seem to work.

in order to activate module override, a simple patch to master CMakeLists.txt is needed

If I am not alone in asking for module override, I' ll send a submission request



Tobias Duckworth wrote
Hello again,

Thanks for your prompt response.

Yes disabling Quicktime is fine for my purposes - However, from what I can work 
out the cleanest way to achieve this will be to get generated XCode projects, 
then I can pick and choose what gets built - I don't really want to hack the 
Makefiles and there doesn't appear to be a way to disable the Quicktime build 
from CMake.

I look forward to hearing from 'the OSX guys', and hope that in the future I 
can provide similar support to others.  I'd be happy to update the OSX build 
instructions for example, once I have managed to build.


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