Is it possible to include plugins? I am particularly interested in updated Inventor plugin.

Paul Martz wrote:
Hi folks -- I am 99% certain that I'll be doing a 2.8.3 release in the next few weeks. The release will not be API compatible with 2.8.2. I wanted to let you all know my plans, and also solicit input and assistance if there are any changes you'd like to get into this release. With some community input, I'm sure this release could be valuable to others besides myself.

I'm not inclined to incorporate any major changes such as the Notify changes, new text/binary file format, or the weak_ptr-related changes. Large changes increase the complexity of the merge and the odds of me introducing errors as I apply the changes. I'm really just interested in bug fixes and feature changes that affect only a limited portion of OSG as a whole.

The work will be done on the existing 2.8 branch. There was a little-publicized "2.8.2b" tag, which is just 2.8.2 plus a fix for MSFBO on Mac OS X. So the first change I'll make to the 2.8 branch is to fold in the MSFBO fix from 2.8.2b.

Other changes I have in mind:

* The biggest change is to backport current svn trunk osgAnimation and the FBX plugin. This will require changes to other parts of OSG, and so far I've identified these:
   - Changes to osgDB required by FBX.
   - Un-deprecation of the osgAnimation dotosg wrapper.
   - r10671 Core changes required for osgAnimation.
   - r10672 Core changes required for osgAnimation.
- r11009 (only the portion applicable to the BVH plugin, so that it is compatible with osgAnimation). (This is a pretty complex change, and it's about as complex as I would want to get. In a test merge, I ran into quite a few merge conflicts that had to be resolved manually, with risk of introducing error. Hopefully everything else will be much simpler to merge over to the 2.8 branch.)

 * Fix for osgUtil::Optimizer FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor (r11131).

 * Fix for OcclusionQueryNode (r10933 and r11127).

 * Mac OS X 10.6 support. Not yet sure which svn revisions.

 * New Xcode updates for osgAnimation.

 * A run of genwrappers to support any and all API changes.

* Possibly backport some examples such as osganimationviewer, haven't looked at them yet.

What I'd like from the community:

* Any suggestions for other changes? Ideally, they should be modular, tight changes that merge onto the 2.8 branch with a minimum of conflicts. Please post requests using the specific svn revision number. (Also, please don't suggest anything unless you are willing and able to test the change once it's in on the 2.8 branch.)

* Anyone out there with Mac OS X experience? Specific things I'd like assistance with would be: - Input on which svn revisions are required to enable support for Mac OS X 10.6. The goal is to be able to build OSG 2.8.3 against the 10.6 SDK. - Somebody with a Mac that already has 10.6, for testing. I have 10.5 but can upgrade if no one else steps forward. - An Xcode expert to create appropriate Xcode files for the 2.8.3 release (needs to work with the osgAnimation backport).

If everything goes well, I see no reason why we can't release by end of March, so I'd like to set this schedule:

 * All change requests by end of day Friday 12 March.
 * All code changes in by 17 March.
 * All Xcode and genwrapper changes in by 22 March.
 * Release candidate 1, 22 March.
 * Testing period, 23-30 March.
 * Release, 31 March.

Please give this some thought, and thanks in advance for pitching in.

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